this picture was taken before we leave singapore.... four generations here.... my grandma, my mummy & MIL, myself and daniel boy.... he is the youngest generation now...
as a mother of two... to darling daniel and sweetheart annabelle.... life is GOOD... appreciate every moment of it
Monday, December 29, 2008
this picture was taken before we leave singapore.... four generations here.... my grandma, my mummy & MIL, myself and daniel boy.... he is the youngest generation now...
Monday, December 08, 2008

for the 1st time, this year we had a small potluck gathering at my home to celebrate x'mas with our good frens....... this is the group of frens whom we had known since primary & secondary school days.... yup... some i hv known for about 20 years....
we adults get to chit chat & gamble a bit... while the kids get x'mas presents....
as u can see from the pic, we had 35 months old mini Yeoh joo yee, 10 months old mini Ha hsuen wern and 8 months old mini Lam daniel... will they be good frens in the near future just like us adults?
Sunday, December 07, 2008
one fine evening as we(me, sis & colleague) were walking towards my car after a hard day at work... oops... just a few feet away i noticed that the car on my right parked so near to my car until i cannot open the door to get into my driver's seat
in this situation, what to do but to call the driver to come down and remove the car "a bit" for me to get in.... got one of my colleague who is still in office to call and inform the driver about it... we shall call her Madam U
after a wait of 10 minutes, she walked towards us... and her face expressions was "blank"... as in no emotion.... no sad face, no happy face and most importantly no sorry face....
fine.... as i have expected Madam U to be a very cool person.... as everyone of us at work knows her......
as she almost reached her car, she looked at me with a very "I DO NOTHING WRONG HERE" face and asked me
"why? you cannot climb in from the front passenger seat to get into your driver's seat???"
what was my answer? I WISH I CAN DO IT THAT WAY
but hey! in my heart: i am not one small frame person.... plus i am wearing skirts! how to climb lah?
and in my case, Madam U feels that we need not call her to remove her car for me to get into my car as i could have climb in from the front passenger's seat... which means i am the one giving trouble and i am the one in the wrong
Sunday, November 16, 2008
* backdated post *
* daniel with Gong Gong & Por Por *
* curry prawn *
* stir fried choy sum *
* braised taufu *
* two varieties peking duck(need to pre order) *
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
today is daniel's 6th month old birthday.... which means he can start taking solid food... no need to depend just on milk....
according to the baby's diet list as recommended by our paed, at 6th mth old we can try introducing rice, pear, prune, carrot, apple, barley, apricot, beef, wheat, plum, spinach, cabbage, oat, banana, chicken, peach, broccoli, lamb, turnip, potato, cherry, corn....
my daniel boy is very "wai seik"(likes to eat).... coz each time he sees anyone of us eating, he will be drooling with salivas dropping non-stop from his mouth.... and when u let him lick the spoon/ fruits, he will be stucking out his tongue, trying his best to lick as much as he can..... else he will use his hand trying to grab the spoon nearer to him.... hehehe
i wonder when he grows up later, will he be a picky eater? coz it is so common for kids being a picky eater especially when it comes to vegetables....
too bad today is a weekday.... i will onli let him try the solid food which is cereal on this coming friday as i will be on leave then..... i wanna be there when he takes his first solid food.... i wanna be there in whatever he does for the first time..... but i know, it is not possible as i am not a SAHM....
happy 6th mth old, daniel boy.... mummy & daddy loves you so much.... you are our sunshine...
Saturday, October 04, 2008
had dinner yesterday at Italiannies... treated by my daddy to celebrate my mummy's 50th birthday... PIL joined us too...... too bad that bro Melvin too tight up with work and could not join us....
the dinner was great... nice food... nice service.... nice environment.... even little daniel enjoyed himself coz everyone of us takes turn to carry him in our arms... he is one lucky baby to have so many ppl "sayang" him......
thanks daddy for the meal!

* daniel boy with Kam Moh, Uncle KJ & Yee Yee *
* daniel boy with Yeh Yeh, Mah Mah, daddy & mummy *
with 9 adults + 1 baby, we ordered two sets of their current promo value meal RM 89++..... each set consists of one appetizer, 3 main dishes & 1 dessert..... we also ordered a big plate of fried calamari
Thursday, October 02, 2008
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Sunday, September 07, 2008
yup...last weekend hubby and i went with our gang to attend our good fren Teh's wedding dinner in Prai, Penang..... it was a nice 3 days 2 nites trip....
our trip mainly involves food... but sad to say, we did not get to eat much of the nice Penang hawker fare mainly due to the reason we were staying at Prai rather than in the island.....
wai hoe was our food guide for a sumptious dim sum breakfast at Ipoh... we got to wait for a table seating as the number of customers there is so the MANY...... how was the dim sum? i would say FRESH & YUMMY.... let the picture speaks it words:
Thursday, September 04, 2008
me not blogging from krabi.... yeah... trip cancelled.... the other two friends went to krabi without me and my sis... reason: my hubby and parents are worried about our safety due to the recent unstable political situation in thailand....
there goes the RM 705 per person we paid for our trip......
SaD CaSe
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Friday, August 15, 2008
* this is a backdated post *
i had a collection of simple recipes from the Malaysian Women's Weekly magazines... i found a nice and simple recipe.... i tried using agar-agar powder to make some jelly.... it turned out nicely when i tried this recipe
first one was "black beauty jelly "
one packet of agar-agar powder (must choose clear color ones)
one can of longan/ lychee (keep the syrup)
half tube of cincau
250ml syrup from the can of longan/ lychee
700ml water
150gm sugar
cut the cincau into small stripes
put the cincau with longan/ lychee into the desired mould
boil the agar-agar powder with the syrup water, water and sugar until bubble appears (about 5 minutes)
put off the flame and pour into the moulds
serve chilled
second recipe was modified from the first recipe... i simply call it "soya bean jelly"
one packet of agar-agar powder (any color, preferably clear color)
one can of longan/ lychee (keep the syrup)
200ml syrup from the can of longan/ lychee
750ml soya bean (i used packet ones)
100gm sugar
- same as the first recipe -
* the result is good, MIL loves it as it is not too sweet * plus it is a healthier choice too since we used soya bean *
have you tried the pastries from John King(I initially thought it is Tom King)? this is the first time i bought from their chain at OneU..... results: not bad... but i still prefer Tong Kee's egg tarts.... at John King, you can get a variety of egg tarts namely original, green tea, coffee, durian etc...