Saturday, February 28, 2009

23 weeks pregnant

first time blogging about lam junior no.2

due date june 26th but plan for a c-section at week 39... hopefully june 19th then.....

compare to first pregnancy, nothing much different
- touch wood, no morning sickness/ vomitting from day one... just a bit nausea for the first two weeks....
- but seems to be eating less compare to first time when i was pregnant with daniel... not much appettite...
- tummy now looks big as many ppl commented.... most probably because i have not loose the first pregnancy weight, some ppl thought my bb is almost due soon.... hehehehe
- weight gain wise, slower than first preganancy... as i enter 6th month soon, onli gained about 3kg but still, the tummy looks super big

feelings: worry at the initial stage.... because of the short gap from the first ceasarean.... but happy that hubby and i will have another child soon.... know that he wants a daughter and as gynae said, this time is 95% baby girl for us.... he said another 5% to confirm is to see the baby when she is born... true oso... nothing is 100%

annabelle lam......


Shanny Khoo said...

congrats! Daniel won't be able to get jealous so soon! hehehehe..... I think that its normal for 2nd pregnancy for tummy to get bigger than 1st coz now more space mar! LOL! 1st one have to streach out....

~ mrs lam ~ said...

yeah... some even ask me if it is twins this time for me. my answer to them is "NO. IT IS FATS"