Thursday, January 25, 2007

sad one

these days, DIVORCE seems to be a normal procedure for married couples who do not plan to stay together anymore....

D-I-V-O-R-C-E might just be a simple word but it means lot not onli to the couple but oso to their parents or loved ones (especially kid)....... coz it is the end of a union which was first solemnised by M-A-R-R-I-A-G-E.........

i hope that someone whom i know closely do not have to endure DIVORCE soon..... i still hope thay they have chance to get back together... it is not easy for two ppl to get together as husband & wife...

and i also hope that everyone of us here, do APPRECIATE YOUR LOVED ONES.......


ckchiam said...

hope they can patch up and live happily. there are many solutions for a problem, choose wisely..

~ mrs lam ~ said...

ck... i oso pray that they can really patch up soon...