i attended an internal leadership training few months back and i planned to blog about it earlier... but oops! somehow i just forgot about it..... hehehe... busy-mah....
this photo prove that "sometimes we need to think out of the box to solve our many daily obstacles/ problems".... yup! we can actually poke a balloon with a "sharp & thin bamboo stick" without bursting it...... have u tried it b4? i did it that day and i was like WOW!
yes... i think if you place a celotape on the balloon, can also poke with needle and not burst it. :)
you are rite adrian... that is what the other training prticipants thought of oso.... we can use celotape to prevent the "burst"
if you think you can, you can! hahaha...
ck... we really need to follow this motto "IF WE THINK WE CAN, WE CAN"
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