Saturday, March 08, 2008

week 36

when i first blog about my pregnancy, i was 19 weeks pregnant.... and now i am in my final trimester, week 36....

due date is apr 5th but my feelings tell me that bb wll be out earlier than that date.... don't ask me why... it's just a feeling i have as my due date is nearer

nearer to due date = feeling "heavy" with my big round tummy...

i am so lazy these days to go to, what i do is apply a day of leave for each working week...

for example yday i was on AL... thought wanna sleep sleep sleep.... but ended up slept half day and the other half day, fold cloth napkins, packed my maternity bag, prepared bb's cabinets of clothings etc.....

so, am i ready to welcome my little bb to this world? both YES and NO

YES--> material things are ready

NO --> taking care of him since this is first child

but emotionally, we are ready.... hubby & i can't wait for his arrival (but it will comes with lack of sleep for us with bb's constant crying middle of the nite for milk/ wet diapers)...

with my MIL's and my mummy's help, i hope to go through my confinement without much complain from me coz i know i can't wash my hair for the first 12days after delivery.... i got to eat lots of ginger which is not my fav type of food.....

whatever it is..... BB, when you are ready to "pop" out to see this world, we will welcome you


ckchiam said...

time passes so fast and your are almost due already... jst be patient with the confinement period, wish u all the best ^_^

~ mrs lam ~ said...

thanks ck...