Thursday, March 27, 2008

still waiting

i started my leave to stay at home for a good rest.. or should i say, i am so lazy to go to work with my big and heavy tummy......

my due date is only next week saturday but everyday i have keep on telling bb to pop out earlier..... i guess bb is just too comfy in my tummy that he prefer to come out onli when he feels he wants to....

i will have my check-up appointment tomolo with my gynae... will get her advice if i should be induced earlier.....

my legs are swollen like elephants.... walk oso like a penguin...... sleep like a pig (nowadays i sleep more during daytime coz at nite keep waking up)

whatever it is, BB.... WE ARE WAITING FOR YOU.....

1 comment:

ckchiam said...

when it's time, ur bb will come out n say hello to u :) let us know when he is here..